in on July 24, 2024 by Kronda Adair
How to Deal with Active Campaign's Latest Pricing Increase

Table of Contents Active Campaign’s Latest Pricing RestructureActive Campaign Sales and Marketing Bundles  Have Been Replaced with Add-OnsActive Campaign Now Has Smaller Contact Pricing TiersShould You Leave Active Campaign?Remove Disengaged Contacts from Your Email ListEvaluate what features you actually need and use. Make the Most of Your Active Campaign Features  Active Campaign’s latest pricing change is

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in Increase Your Conversions on March 5, 2024 by Kronda Adair
Does Your Service Business Need Two CRMs?

If you have a traditional service-based business I want to explain why you might need two CRMs in your business.  One of my longtime clients has finally started to take advantage of all the power of automation through ActiveCampaign. One thing that spurred her to take better advantage of a marketing CRM was watching some of

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in Avoid Common Mistakes on February 12, 2024 by Kronda Adair
Underestimated Founders Need Email Marketing More Than Anyone

Table of Contents Email is More Likely to Be Seen and ReadEmail is a Direct Channel to Your AudienceMarginalized Business Owners Underutilize Email as a Communication ChannelUnderestimated Founders Need to Own their Assets and Data in 2024How to Get Help Owning Your Digital AssetsDon’t Let Your Bad Experiences with Email Hold You Back Dear underestimated

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in Avoid Common Mistakes on January 29, 2024 by Kronda Adair
Will your emails get blocked?

Google and Yahoo are implementing email domain authentication requirements and spam prevention changes, set to take effect in February 2024.Google Yahoo Email Changes for 2024If you’re using email marketing via a service such as Active Campaign, ConvertKit, etc, you’ll be required to authenticate your email domain to keep reaching your subscriber’s inboxes. Similar to requiring SSL

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in Time Saving Technology on January 6, 2024 by Kronda Adair
How Automation Can Help You Embody Your Word for 2024

Table of Contents Use Automation for More Focus & EaseHow Automation Can Help You be ExpansiveUse Automation to SimplifyHow Can Automation Help You Stay Connected? Curious Who Your Hot Leads Are? Automation Can Help Find ThemCan You Still Automate if You’re Weird? Hate Confrontation? Use Automation to Say NoHow to Automate if You’re Not Techie– Without Breaking

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