Tips for Creating a Membership Site Quickly

At some point, most busy service-based business owners probably have the thought – could I scale my business and finally stop trading time for money with a membership site? There are tons of examples of people who have succeeded wildly by uploading their brain to the cloud and selling access: Maya Elious, Troy Dean, and Danielle Leslie to name a few.

I have built several online learning platforms for clients and I've spent the past six months creating Working Websites to teach business owners how to effectively use online marketing. Creating a membership site takes an incredible amount of planning, effort, and follow-through that most people just don't possess. 

But if you're determined…if you're a SHIPPER and good at finishing and launching things, then I highly recommend it. Someone told me that I ‘have a blog post for everything,' and I took it as the highest possible compliment. 

Publishing your knowledge has all sorts of benefits, not the least of which is the potential for huge time savings and increased income. 

So without further ado, check out today's video for my tips to get up and running with a membership site quickly.

Here are links to the tools I recommend:

Membervault is a hosted members platform that can host all your content. It integrates with a few different email service providers but the one I and the MV creators recommend is Active Campaign.

You'll want a place for your community to gather as well. Depending on your audience, a Facebook Group or a Slack Channel can serve this purpose.

About the author 

Kronda Adair

Kronda is the CEO of Karvel Digital, a digital marketing agency that helps mission-driven service-based business owners how to use content to sell so they can automate their marketing and scale without burnout. She loves empowering small business owners to not be intimidated by all this tech stuff. She's often covered in cats.

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